I guess the best way to put things so you can understand is this: Whenever I read something and I have a less than charitable thought about motives or the like, I immediately stop myself by saying 'I shouldn't be so cynical.' The problem is, so often nowadays it seems like my cynical thoughts are right in line with what the people are actually doing. All you have to do is look at any debate going on today. Whether it's health care, recent deaths of well known people in government and politics, indiscretions of politics, you look at what's being said, have a cynical thought, and it comes to pass.
In health care, we've seen how people are using town halls and other forums to 'make the other side look bad'. Is that really necessary? Can't anyone have a discussion or disagreement simply on the merits of their own position? Or does no one have their own position anymore? Looking at recent deaths, the death this week of Senator Ted Kennedy caused many people to immediately predict Congressional Democrats would use the occasion to drum up an emotional appeal to pass health care (I say health insurance) reform. It didn't take 24 hours for those who were originally called 'crass' and 'cynical' to be proven correct. One shouldn't be surprised. Wasn't the funeral of Julius Caesar used to further political ambitions?
Anyway, I'm done with the world right now proving to be the worst instead of the best. So, please stop the merry go round, I want to get off.
Sorry about the venting. I guess I just needed to get it aired out.
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