Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Something new to be cranky about

The internet age has provided many advances.  From the ability to talk with people all over the world to giving many different kinds of instant news and feedback.  And we also have the ability to express our opinions and engage in dialogue (not sure how meaningful it is) using blogs, email, and social networking sites.

More and more, however, I'm coming across a phenomenon that I have decided irks me: significant family (and personal) news being distributed on social networking sites.  I'm not sure what it is about it that causes that feeling.  Maybe it's the idea that I find out about things at the same time (or later depending on how often I check said site) as some non-related semi-acquaintance halfway across the world.  Or, maybe it's the idea that a person can fulfill some unspoken obligation of informing family members about a hospitalization, birth, death, whatever, without having to actually interact with that person who's on the persona non grata list.

I suppose it can be rationalized or brushed aside with some quaint little saying about 'this is how communication is done today' or even that it's 'the method of communication for the future'.  I don't care.  It still rubs me the wrong way.

I guess I will remain the curmudgeonly old caveman muttering in my cave about the telephone or email.  Yes,this is a 'vent'.  Yes, there is no logic or rationale to it.  But it feels good to say it just the same.

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