I went out this afternoon to do some yard work prior to the weather turning sour again (it’s sprinkling out as I write this), and as I grab a tree branch to saw up, I look at my car and see the passenger window broken. I tell my children to get their mother as I survey the car, trying to see what (if anything) was taken. The irony of it all? They took a three ring binder (denim covered) that had sermon notes and other theological study material collected from over the years (the binder was 11 years old). The best we can deduce is whoever broke in thought they got a laptop.
The authorities were called and a report was filed (over the phone – I don’t know what bothers me more: the efficiency of it or the feeling this incident didn’t warrant someone actually coming out). Now I have to figure out how to fix the window, but the whole feeling of it still remains. The whole time I have Sir Peter Ustinov’s voice from Disney’s Robin Hood (I’m a sucker for cartoons and animated movies) saying ‘robbed! I’ve been robbed.’ I’ll have to see if I can find a youtube of it to add for the proper effect.
(image from newlegendmike.blogspot.com)
Ok.. Now I know why you had to call your mother. Now I've got the same voice going "mommy" through my head.